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Fetal alcohol syndrome essay

Fetal alcohol syndrome essay

fetal alcohol syndrome essay

19/05/ · The drive can be stronger for the alcohol than for the health of herself or her unborn baby. Education, behavior modification and detoxification are areas of change needed to help WebBackground at Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Fetal alcohol syndrome can be termed as a pattern of physical and mental defects, which develops in a fetus as a result of high Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) is physical and mental damage in a child due to alcohol exposure while in the womb. Every year, 1 in infants in the U.S. are born with fetal alcohol

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Fetal Alcohol Syndrome FAS is one of the most common and devastating birth abnormalities among American children. This paper will provide an in-depth look at FAS, using four reliable sources as a basis of this analysis, fetal alcohol syndrome essay. The information obtained from these sources will be compared with the textbook Infants and Children Prenatal Through Middle Childhood Berk, FAS is a combination of birth defects that is associated with consuming alcohol during pregnancy. It is the leading cause of mental retardation and birth defects, and is entirely preventable.

About 12, infants are born every year with FAS, while three times this number have AND or ABD NOFAS. Those with FAS have a distinctive set of growth deficiencies, fetal alcohol syndrome essay, facial abnormalities, and central nervous system CNS dysfunction…. Berk, Laura E. Infants and Children Prenatal Through Middle Childhood, 4th ed. Jacobson, Joseph L. Effects of Prenatal Alcohol Exposure on Child Development. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, prepared June National Organization on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome NOFAS. What is Fetal Alcohol Syndrome? Streissguth, Ann Pytkowicz. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: A Guide for Families and Communities.

Paul H. Brookes Pub Co, fetal alcohol syndrome essay. According to recent studies conducted by Ernest Abel and obert Sokol, fetal alcohol syndrome essay, the incidence of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is estimated to be 0. The States of Missouri less than 25 cases of Fetal alcohol Syndrome out of 80, recorded live births. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is considered as a serious health problem that has unfortunately affected victims and their families, fetal alcohol syndrome essay, however according to reports the inherited disorder ness is completely preventable. Pauker, S. By the Way Doctor The child suffering from Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is equivalent to subjecting that child into child abuse, which has to endure life long. Babies born with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome have reported to weigh less and are shorter than normal, fetal alcohol syndrome essay.

Their living routine gets restricted and limited, due to their deformed facial features, poor coordination, fetal alcohol syndrome essay problems, abnormal fetal alcohol syndrome essay and limbs, and short memories. Victims of fetal alcohol syndrome often experience mental…. Stratton, K. Fetal alcohol syndrome essay Alcohol Syndrome: Diagnosis, Epidemiology, Prevention, and Treatment. Washington, fetal alcohol syndrome essay, DC; National Academy Press, Streissguth, a. the Challenge of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Seattle: University of Washington, Washington, DC: National Academy Press, The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, fetal alcohol syndrome essay.

Alcohol and Your Unborn Baby. Washington, DC: American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Four of those children had short palpebral fissures, a smooth philtrum see previous article by Blackburnand "microcephaly" a situation where a child's head is far smaller than the heads of children the same ageall manifestations of a child whose mother drank alcohol during pregnancy. Smith and other doctors that got involved began checking the various maladies these children suffered from with other children whose disabilities hadn't been labeled or fully understood, and hence, this research led to the identification of FAS. That said, there still is no "clear-cut alcohol-specific neurobehavioral phenotype for 'Alcohol Related Neurobehavioral Disorders' ARND " Smith, along with professor Jones, in fact coined the phrase, fetal alcohol syndrome.

Kvigne, Valborg L. Alcohol Use, Injuries, and Prenatal Visits During Three Successive Fetal alcohol syndrome essay Among American Indian Women on the Northern Plains Who…. Again, growth deficiencies occur for many different reasons, and other causes must be ruled out. Central nervous system disorders in FAS can be significant and varied, and mimic other disorders. Diagnosis of FAS can be made on the basis of structural, neurological, or functional CNS disorders. Diagnosis of CNS deficits must also rule out other disorders that can co-exist with FAS, such as autism or oppositional defiant disorder National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities. Perhaps the most important component in the procedure for the diagnosis of FAS is maternal alcohol exposure.

However, fetal alcohol syndrome essay, this diagnosis can be difficult, as many mothers are reticent to admit that they used alcohol while pregnant. In addition, there is often little information available about alcohol use during pregnancy National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities. Interventions for FAS are a diverse as the varied individuals and presentations of the disorder. As such,…. Centers for Disease Control. Fetal Alcohol Information. Miller, Darcy. Students with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: New Developments and Intervention Suggestions. New Horizons for Learning. National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: Guidelines for Referral and Diagnosis. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Special Education About the Child Pietro is a 7-year-old boy.

His biological parents are Argentine and Colombian. He was born approximately six weeks prematurely because of his mother's consumption of alcohol throughout the duration of her pregnancy. According to medical reports, his mother did not consume heavy quantities of alcohol, but she did consume nominal amounts on a regular basis, such as one to three times a week, nearly every week. Pietro's parents put him up for adoption when he was approximately 1-year-old. He was brought to a Catholic orphanage outside of Buenos Aires. There were visiting child development specialists from the United Kingdom and the United States performing work at fetal alcohol syndrome essay charity, and it is under their care where Pietro was first formally diagnosed with FAS.

Pietro was subsequently adopted by a Puerto ican and Argentine family residing in New York City, NY. His adoptive family…. Abel, E. Psychological Bulletin, 87 1fetal alcohol syndrome essay, 29 -- Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 19, 51 -- British Columbia Fetal alcohol syndrome essay for Children and Families. The Society of Special Needs Adoptive Parents, British Columbia. Fast, MD, PhD, D. Developmental and Behavior Pediatrics, 20 51 According to the research, this is "a theoretical framework that seeks to describe a developmental process associated with efforts to provide access for individuals with disabilities to facilities, programs, and information," dyburn p This theoretical foundation focuses on the need to increase advocacy through academic research and the exposure of common findings to advocacy groups.

Fetal alcohol syndrome essay, phase 2 focuses on making much needed resources and environments for those who were previously denied based on their special education status through environmental accommodation. Finally, there is the accessibility phase, where equal access to similar resources, like education, is the norm. Research Questions There are a number of research questions this study aims to explore. They include the following: Just how much of cognitive functioning is impacted by FAS? How much does FAS cost schools in terms of special training and care?

Is FAS manageable conditions within the current system, or…. Edyburn, Dave L. Theories, and frameworks: Contributions to understanding special education technology, fetal alcohol syndrome essay. Special Education Technology and Practice. Pp Teaching students with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Special Education. British Colombia Ministry of Education. Mattson, Sarah N. A review of the neurobehavioral deficits in children with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome or prenatal exposure to alcohol. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 22 2 If pregnant women will not stop drinking, a broad-spectrum nutritional support may be an appropriate alternative.

Christensen, Damaris Sobering Work - Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Science News: Science Service, Inc. Many pregnant women who drink heavily want to know how much they drink without harming their fetuses because they do not want to give the habit up. Some researchers say that even low doses of alcohol can bring harm. Animal studies may not be applicable to human subjects as species differ in developmental patterns.

Living with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

, time: 2:13

Fetal alcohol syndrome - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic

fetal alcohol syndrome essay

Web10/08/ · Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) is a set of physical and mental birth defects that can result when a woman drinks alcohol during her pregnancy. When a pregnant 19/05/ · The drive can be stronger for the alcohol than for the health of herself or her unborn baby. Education, behavior modification and detoxification are areas of change needed to help Web6/03/ · Babies born with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome have reported to weigh less and are shorter than normal. Their living routine gets restricted and limited, due to their deformed

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